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FelonInLove.com | Felon In Love Singles

Hi there, my name is Bo. I am someone who has made his fair share of mistakes in the past that I ultimately paid for with my own freedom. While I was incarcerated, I took full advantage and did as much educational programming as I could to come out a better person, not only for myself but for society in general.

I learned while incarcerated that there are many people who are alone, who don’t get visits from anyone, or who have nothing to look forward to while serving time or upon release. I would also often think about how hard it would be to find someone when I got out who would accept that I was a felon with a past. Talk about an awkward icebreaker.

So, I came up with Felon in Love to take that extra pressure away that no one needs on top of the many other struggles and challenges felons face every day when they get released. Felon in Love gives everyone a chance to find their soulmate without trying to figure out a way to talk about their past to someone and hoping they call the next day. Everyone truly deserves happiness.

I have faced many challenges and overcome them "the hard way, of course, "and through all of them, the one thing I have always realized is that having that special someone sometimes is enough for anyone to think twice before risking leaving them for another sentance. So, Felon in Love welcomes you to join us today.
where your next lockdown could be with the love of your life.